Dr. Erin Murphy-Graham
Dr. Erin Murphy-Graham began conducting research in Honduras, with colleagues from Bayan Association, in 1999. Her research on SAT includes the book Opening Minds, Improving Lives: Education and Women’s Empowerment in Honduras (Vanderbilt University Press) as well as multiple peer-reviewed journal articles. At UC Berkeley, she is an Associate Adjunct Professor at the Graduate School of Education, where she teaches courses on qualitative research methods, education and international development, and globalization and education. She completed her doctorate in Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, her M.Sc. at Oxford University in Comparative and International Education, and her B.A. at Tufts University in International Relations and Spanish.
Dr. Diana Pacheco Montoya
Dr. Diana Pacheco Montoya is an educational researcher whose work focuses on human-centered design and product development across educational programs, global public policy, and international development. She uses design-thinking, qualitative research, and creative problem solving to develop pertinent and user-centered solutions in educational settings. Since 2016, she has been the Senior Design Researcher for the intervention HEY!. She holds a PhD in Education from the University of California, Berkeley.
Judy Tan
Judy Tan is the graduate student researcher for HEY!. She is interested in utilizing data in public health to tackle health disparities and dismantle systems of inequity. In 2018, she received her B.S. in Human Science from Georgetown University. Through AmeriCorps VISTA, she worked in behavioral and environmental health at the tribal and local level, respectively. She is studying to receive her Master’s of Public Health in Epidemiology/ Biostatistics from UC Berkeley in 2022.
Lamiya Gulamhusein
Lamiya Gulamhusein is an undergraduate student at UC Berkeley studying to receive her Bachelor’s in English and Rhetoric in 2022. Her research interests lie in understanding and developing ways to address human rights violations, especially those pertaining to youth and women.